An Apple A Day


Apple Wisdom

Have you ever seen anything so inviting? Just seeing it your mind and mouth can feel and taste the magic of this fruit. Maybe you remember climbing trees and picking it, or eating it in pie, or drinking cider in the autumn. Apple is a wise old ally that reminds us to stay connected to our own personal connection with the Divine. Apple is a liberator from any manor of insults that would separate us from our own strength or power.

Used as a remedy for cleansing. Crab Apple flower essence is used for those who can’t see themselves well, who feel dirty and unclean, to purify those wounds of the poisonous nature of these feelings. It banishes the illusion that we, or our self-awareness/intution/innate knowledge, is bad.

Apple also teaches us about abundance and reciprocity, about hardiness and adaptability. Apple is meant to be shared: a good ritual practice would be to make an apple based drink or dish…notice how it naturally lends itself to being MORE than you expected. Apple also reminds us of the wild ways and wisdom of seasons and cycles that resides within each of us. No matter what system of external authority tries to control or define us, apple reminds us to go within. Indeed, when cut an apple in half a 5-point star is revealed; this a sacred symbol of earth medicine. Where and how can find this medicine and magic within? Try eating an apple and letting it guide you!

Crossing paths with apple under this New Moon in Leo is auspicious as it offers a time of rebirth and renewal of your own inner love affair. Can you fall in love with your physical body? With what it wants and needs? With what nourishes it AND what makes it uncomfortable. Can you explore the seasons of your body, the rhythms of it’s songs with curiosity instead of judgment. How does your body sense, see, hear, taste, smell, feel it’s inner knowing?

“Knowledge is a knife that cuts both ways. It can be self-conscious…Or it can be self-aware.” - Maia Toll.


Magic | Myth | Symbol

Apple has a unique place in our modern psyche, having been centered in the many myths and legends across time. The Norse Goddess Idunn, the keeper of the apple of immortality, Eve acquiring self-awareness, as a present to Gaia on her wedding, growing in Hera’s sacred garden and so many more sacred stories. Explore the myths and magic of your lineage and the unique medicine of apple for you!

Kristin SchuchComment