Deep Breath & Divine Sight with Elecampane


Elecampane was on the first flowers I grew in my medicine garden. It is still one of my favorites to see emerge throughout summer. The yellow flowers are beautiful in their simplicity. The large leaves are stunning, getting as big as 2 feet with just a touch of rough texture, and are edible (best when they are young, tender, and cooked). The roots are not only incredible medicine for the lungs, they also can be used for natural blue dye. Common names such as scabwort, horse heal, and elfwort are as varied as the growing range, having spread widely from Europe to Northern Asia and North America.

"Elecampane(Inula Helenium) is best known for its respiratory actions. As it has the potential to clear congestion and infection with its expectorant and immunomodulant action. In cases of the elderly and chronically ill, Elecampane is restoring to lungs in cases of pneumonia or unproductive coughs. As hinted at by the Latin Inula, like burdock Elecampane is high in Inulin and therefor feeds the gut microbiom. Further on this, Elecampane is a incredible digestive remedy for chronic digestive complants such as IBS, Leaky gut, and stomach ulcers. However in high doses Elecampane can cause diarrhea, and is contraindicated in pregnancy. As a warming alterative herb its secoundary uses include liver function, and as a general anti-inflmmatory it is useful in treating rheumatic pains, potentially because of its immunomodulating effects on autoimmunity related illness. Elecampane has been traditionally taken in Red wine as a cold season cordial. I would call that Elechampagne!" - Akil


Elecampane is used to treat numerous internal and external conditions via its action on tissue. With tissue soothing mucilage, it is acts as an expectorant and is a perfect addition to tea, syrups and lozenges for all manor of respiratory conditions. Matthew Wood notes that is “particularly good as a remedy for kids, is helpful for green and yellow mucous, and for prolonged infection exacerbating asthma or reactive airway states.” As a bitter it stimulates the gut, while it’s inulin feeds and supports to gut biome. In my experience, elecampane is excellent for thick congested cold wet tissue states and help get things moving, with gentle tonifying, warming, drying effect.

"Fall is in full swing, which also means sick season is upon us! Call upon Elecampane for acute and chronic coughs alike. This plant ally shines in its ability to heal deep-rooted, phlegmy, congested coughs because it stimulates the flow of mucus, helping to uproot and expel it from the lungs. In addition to being an excellent expectorant, it also soothes the tissue irritation and inflammation that results from coughing." -Madeline


The qualities of this plant exemplify the principles of the “doctrine of signatures” not only for physical use, but also spiritual qualities. As an ally that nourishes the stomach, the large yellow flower head demonstrates resembles the wheel of the solar plexus chakra. Working on the “air” of the body and producing a blue dye we see the action on the third chakra and psychic qualities. Mimi shares beautiful insights on the qualities of the powerful spiritual herbal ally.

"Elecampagne is a powerful herbal ally used to support the respiratory, digestive, and urinary system. It's most commonly known action is its ability to clear excess phlegm from our tissues. Innula helenium, is an herb native to southeastern Europe but has naturalized over the centuries in the most temperate regions of Europe, Asia, and North America. It's uses go back as far as the Romans and Greeks, where it's root was used in soups and broths to aid indigestion and sickness. Northwestern European cultures have associated Elecampagne with the Elves, it's common name being Elfwort or Velvet Elf Dock in that part of the world. It's astrologically associated with Mercury and Gemini, while being warming and masculine in it energetics. Elecampagne's magical uses are for love, spiritual protection, and enhancing psychic powers. It would be combined with lemon verbena and mistletoe and worn in a satchel or vial to attract a lover. It has significant history as an incense or herbal smoke, when used in this way it invokes spiritual and psychic protection when scrying, communicating with Spirit, or other forms of divination. Elecampagne also has been used to induce a clairsentient state to prepare for lucid dreaming when burned." -Mimi

Kristin Schuch