Black Cohosh…to shed the layers, to get to the roots, to find the self.

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Mirroring the deep work that Black Cohosh can support us through as an energetic medicine, with gratitude we utilize the roots and rhizomes as medicine. Coming from below the surface, immersed in microbes of earth and element, a conjuring of intimacy is exposed. The flower essence of Black Cohosh aids our “courage to confront rather than retreat” from patterns of thinking and being that harm us. This may occur in our relationship with self, or with others.

An equally powerful physical medicine, Black Cohosh has the ability to regulate and balance hormones, reduce pain and discomfort, and realign the nervous system. It acts on the lungs, stomach, uterus, musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems. Phytoestrogenic mimicry can support the female reproductive tract, hormonal shifts, and the sex organs; this can be helpful for headaches in the luteal phase associated with low estrogen levels, and suppressing hormone surges associated with menopausal hot flashes. Black Cohosh meets us with sharp, bitter, spicy and acrid flavors and pairs nicely with many herbs to formulate for spasms, achy pains, chilliness, fevers, nervous system irritation, trauma to the nervous system of emotional, mental and physical situations, congestion and inflammation. A cherished use among herbalists is the relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of the blood vessels and skeletal system. Black Cohosh is best used for specific situations and circumstances and is not meant for daily use, or as a tonic herb. Additionally, due to the at-risk nature of this plant ally we are not including recipes this month. However, we have crafted a selection of remedies to honor Black Cohosh that are available in the February Plant Spirit Medicine Box, or we do offer the flower essence in shop for a direct personal experience.

Cautionary tips: large amounts of Black Cohosh can slow the heart rate, contribute to hypertension, and have toxicity. Due to its emmenagogue effects, it should not be used during the first trimester of pregnancy as it stimulates labor and regulates contractions during birth under the care of a trained health care professional.

The new moon in aquarius

You may have noticed that our “herb of the month” timing has shifted. In an effort to better align with the seasons and cycles of the earth, the elements, the seasons, and the plants we are following a lunar calendar instead of the Gregorian calendar. Of course there are overlaps, but the guidance we offer will refer and give deference to time that moves from the beginning of one new moon to the next. As we write this we are preparing for a new moon in Aquarius, conjunct with Venus and Jupiter. For those of us strongly impacted by Venus…well you may be feeling a lot right now physically, even if it isn’t physical. Not to worry, Jupiter is holding you steady with a counter-balancing wisdom.

This transit is highlighting abundance, self-care, pleasure, and how to bring those into our communities and our relationships in a way that serves the highest good. With Mercury retrograde we are given an opportunity to re-view and re-new our relationship with what gives us pleasure. We have a chance to conjoint the paths between our pleasure and the divine.

We’d like to acknowledge that we are not professional astrologers, just curious folks who like to learn about a lot of stuff. If you are interested in more resources for astrology you can check out one of my favorites @UraniaUniverse at her website or IG account, Chani Nicholas, Mystic Mama.

The HErbal Spiral 2021


Each year, on the winter solstice or in the days that follow, we have a ritual. Many people do. For us this is preparing for the closure of the year behind us, planning for the year ahead, and getting ready for some much needed rest. It is during this time that we divine for wisdom, strength, guidance, and support for the next seasons & cycles. This year we decided to utilize a plant medicine oracle in this ritual and to share this with you throughout 2021. What this means is that there are 4 seasonal plant guides, as well as 1 central/above/below guide for our medicine wheel, or herbal spiral. Currently, we are sitting in the north of the wheel, the season of winter, of dreamtime, of visioning, of deep restoration. We find strong earth medicine here! And through the equinox in March we are being tended & taught by the over-arching magic of Passionflower. Last month we explored the radical gift of “Quietude” as Maia Toll identifies it. This month, we are struck by the magical partnership of contradiction that exists with Black Cohosh. Where as one is deeply rooted, holding medicine in the dark deep soil, the other reaches and sprawls wildly toward the sky. Passionflower flower essence connects us to our higher consciousness and divinity while Black Cohosh takes us into internal consciousness and understanding of shadow. One is not better than the other, better the show us the importance of both. They demonstrate that reciprocity, wholeness, homeostasis is a better more sustainable and better laid path to travel. And so generously, they offer peace, ease, calm, relaxation to our mind, body, and soul as a respite for any and all of the hard work that is required for for the journey.

Note: When we use the term “Medicine Wheel” we are describing a perspective & understanding from our own various lineages that guides our movement through the year of seasons and cycles. We acknowledge, with reverence and respect, that the Medicine Wheel is also utilized by and has specific meaning to the Indigenous and First Nations people of this land, and want to be clear that while there may be similarities in language or ideas they are not one in the same. We respect the cultural sovereignty of these peoples and communities.

Kristin Schuch