Medicine of Motherwort


If you’ve taken a class with me you’ve probably heard my motherwort story. My sister, who openly speaks about her struggles with anxiety and panic, was going through a particularly symptomatic time during her divorce. She came to visit one day, stepping out of the car completely ashen and high-chested. For those of you who aren’t familiar, “high-chested is the tendency to pull one's ribs up and out in response to a tightening diaphragm and shortness of breath. My sister could barely speak. I took her by the hand and took her to the garden. With little protest I gave her one very large motherwort leaf. She started to nibble slowly; I signalled she should shove the whole thing in. She did; her nose crinkled at the bitterness seeping into her mouth. Moments later, blood returned to her face, her chest dropped, and she was able to tell me about the flood of emotions that had washed over her while driving. This is the magic of motherwort: acute stress relief, ease, presence, empowerment.

This plant ally holds a balance of seemingly dichotomous energies. Motherwort can invite stillness and movement, openness and containment, fluidity and stability, feminine and masculine. She demonstrates that dichotomy is not disparity, but rather a demonstration of wholeness and homeostasis. Serving our emotional/spiritual being as the mother energy we need(ed), or nurturing those in the process of becoming a mother. Alternatively, when there are wounds in the female ancestral line this ally empowers the process of healing and releasing historical trauma. The latin name, Leonurus cardiaca, means “lion-hearted.” It is a demonstration not only of a correspondence with the sign Leo, but reflects every bit of the lioness archetype essence found with motherwort. The Lioness is unique in being a social cat in a matrilineal empowered constellation. Hunting, loving, playing, resting, not free from threat but with an empowered strength that comes from knowing one’s gifts. Living not isolated and afraid, but letting vulnerability be met be a community of support.

These are just a few of the lessons of motherwort.


Motherwort is considered a nervine, anodyne, emmenagogue, and tonic. It has beneficial effects on the digestive, cardiac, menstrual, and nervous systems. The tonifying nature stems from regulatory actions of this plant medicine, true of most nervines. Frequently used for palpitations, this bitter herb brings a sense of ease and calm to the heart. It is mildly drying with regular use. I find this most noticeable in tea, but it is easily balanced by pairing with oats, marshmallow, licorice, or other demulcent herbs. In tincture, it is exceptional for acute stress situations and can benefit sleep. Both physical and emotional pain are relieved by tea or tincture of motherwort and the whole body strengthened.

Recommended dosing is 1Tbsp per 8-12oz water or as a fresh plant tincture 15-40 drops 1-4 times daily. Caution should be used during pregnancy due to the stimulation of pelvic movement and menstrual effects.

“There is no better herb to take melancholy vapours from the heart, and to strengthen it.” - Culpepper

“She knows her values and makes quick, rational decisions without doubting her choices...She soothes unchecked emotions and allows common sense to comfr forward. She understands that execution of purpose comes best from a calm loving center. Embrace your sharp edges; they create the container for your tenderness.” The Herbcrafter’s Tarot, Madre of Air.


Bees adore this spiky topped mint-family (Lamiaceae) plant with it’s square stem and equal & opposite leafs; an audible buzz can be heard when motherwort is in the height of flowering. Standing almost 3-4 feet tall, the aerial parts of this plant are used throughout the growing season, with the tender young leaves offering the most vibrant and delicious medicine for tea and tincture. Wonderful for plant brushings, the crushed leaves smell just like this garden goddess tastes. Inviting the energy of the Divine Feminine, the “mother” herb, is also used to provide protective magick. A few drops or sips of tea can help clear the mind and aid in meditation.

Staff Insights

Motherwort works great for people who are working with their cardiovascular and nervous system. There is an intimate connection between the heart and the mind. Motherwort can help the heart communicate more clearly to the brain so we can come to each moment with curiosity and gratitude. -Bethany

The thought of Motherwort transports me to summer afternoons, the hum of bees as they collect nourishment from her flowers. I think of the softness of her leaves, the shape of her seeds and the abundance in which she grows. I remember my herb teacher telling me that motherwort helios support women through major transitions in life. I enjoy motherwort in fresh plant glycerite as it balances the bitterness of the leaf. I have shared motherwort in this form with my friend as she became perimenopausal and was experiencing heart palpitations as a result. - Lilli

When I think of Motherwort I think of the Latin name, Leonarus cardiaca essentially translating to “lion’s heart”. Motherwort, to me, is a very strong, courageous and supportive medicine. It helps give us the strength to be brave, to have a courageous heart, offering support and stability at the same time. A similar energy to the Baba Yaga, motherwort encourages us to be brave, with the knowledge that they will be there to help if we stumble during our journey. -Amy

Motherwort reminds me that even the darkest parts of myself are not only worthy, but lovable. -Bright

Motherwort awakens and supports the heart space and energy, reminding us of the home within. She helps loosen nervous tension in the body, easing cramps and stressed muscles. Her medicine warms and embraces us, similar to a loving hug. She is strong, bold and vibrant, certainly not afraid to take up space. -Tasha

Kristin Schuch