Sacred Fires of May

We begin May with Celtic Festival of Beltaine, celebrated at dusk on April 30th. May 1st is also widely known as May Day and signifies the beginning of summer. Beltaine celebrates the coming together of energies to create new life and is most widely observed in Scotland, Ireland, and the Isle of Man. It is a time to celebrate and honor the fertility of the land and our passions in all forms (wink, wink). Fires are often lit to bring communities together and invite the energies of creation and renewal in. Beltaine, like many other sacred times of the year, invites us to gaze upon our own inner fire and the creative sparks we pass along. The earth is ripe and shows us not just the beauty of, but also the process of growth. The sun shines brightly to fortify our gardens, skin, and spirit with its warmth and nourishing light. During this time of year we tend to the sacred flame within and with-out.

Herb(s) of the Month: The Sisters of Mercy - Marigold, Basil, Rue


Marigold helps to sweep and clear while helping to set energetic boundaries. This aids us in being able to see what is in front of us with steady vision, as well as to communicate with those across the veil. This is a “No-nonsense!” ally who blesses and clears all that needs to be blessed and cleared.

Marigold is pungent in taste and the petals can be sprinkled into salads. Calendula is sometimes called pot marigold, those these plants are different.



Basil is an herb of abundance. It helps one sift and sort through life challenges, giving the support of courage in times of difficulty and aiding one get to the next stage(s) of their journey. Basil harmonizes and brings together and protects your blessings.

We love adding this to fresh plant in baths or anything culinary, as a little nibble, a leaf under the pillow, added to water to sip, or simply crushed and deeply inhaled. I always have this essential oil on hand for spirit work.



Rue is a great herb in the ways of protection. Rue is said to have angelic light and helps open these channels within. The flower essence is considered to have the spirit of ‘holy water’, a divine cleansing tool. Rue knows what is you and what isn’t you, and aids in discernment. You can see how these 3 plants work magically together.

Plant outside the house for protective energies for the home and family. Use in a protection amulet for similar wishes.

NOTE: Rue is not for internal use.

Rue Flower Essence is a wonderful and safe way of interacting with this plant’s medicine.

Use and get to know these plants by placing them under your pillow during dream time, engaging in a plant sit spray, or using Marigold or Basil in cooking adventures.

Plant Sit: Getting to know a Plants Medicine

Plant Sits are a safe way of interacting with herbs and plants, especially those which are toxic or unsafe to take internally. They are a great method to learn the spirit or energetic essence of a plant. It can be helpful before beginning to calm the mind, take some deep breaths, and ground in whatever way feels best. You may use smoke purification, singing, or drumming to help quiet the outside world and transition to your own internal world. When you feel ready to receive sit with your plant.

It can be helpful to introduce yourself to the plant and state your intentions for this time together (verbally or mentally). Thank your plant for its presence and ask for what you would like to receive or understand about its medicine or energy - this is where you get to be creative! Sit quietly and gently feel the plants subtle energies around your body and space. Do you hear whispers? Where might you feel the plants energy and magic in your body? Does it’s essence feel shy, playful, or assertive?

When you feel done with your plant sit, thank the plant, and leave an offering. Offerings can be food, drink, or anything your intuition guides you to. If you don’t have anything with you or feel that nothing you have fits, a simple thank you and a strand of hair can be a lovely gift. Your intention is truly what matters and the more you do these with your plants, the deeper and richer your relationship and plant sits will become.

Blessed Beltane & Happy Tending!

Kristin Schuch